2023 In Review
Paul & Kathy Dugan wish you a happy and blessed New Year!!
2023 was a pivotal year for us. I (Paul) entered a new season of life called ‘retirement.’ I’m still figuring out what it means to be ‘retired’ from a kingdom-of-God perspective. The first thing we did following our congregation’s final ‘roast’ in June was to head off to Turkey to help with a summer mission team to serve in the earthquake zone. In February of 2023 the region around ancient city of Antakya (Antioch) was reduced to rubble. It was very sobering to see the devastation. What a privilege to serve alongside of the tiny minority of Turkish Christians, as they demonstrated the gospel in word and deed in the midst of this crisis. On the way home from Turkey we spent time in the UK, in the Isle of Skye, the wild NW coast of Scotland, and in ‘Tolkien/Lewis Town’ (Oxford).
So far I’ve enjoyed every part of this new season of life. It’s a blessing to have time to invest in family and friendships, in learning jazz piano, learning Spanish, in getting lots of exercise (hiking/biking), and in working on a passion of mine- a psalm prayer project (see this site, mypsalm.org). It also has been a privilege to be a cheer-leader for some pastor friends here in our area.
Kathy continues to work part time as special education resource teacher. She loves her current situation- her school is a short walk from our home here in Los Osos. She is home by 2:30pm, which gives her time to ‘ramble’ along the coast, beachcombing, riding her e-bike, and archery. You got that right- Kathy for her 65th birthday got a compound bow. I affectionately call her ‘Legolas.’
On the family front- we continue to find grand-parenting an immense joy. Grand-daughter Adelina is 5 and grandson Maclen (‘Mac’) is 2. They have very different personalities, but adore one another and bring us much joy. And we have some wonderful news- our daughter Corey and her husband Colin are expecting! She is currently in her 3rd month. Thank God for the gift of life. We will definitely be making more trips to Seattle.
My psalm this morning is Psalm 29, celebrating the voice of Yahweh. I close with words from a wonderful prayer book based on the psalms: ‘Living Word, enthroned upon grateful praise, glorified by hosts of heaven, seen and unseen- creation testifies to your glory; all made through you and for your, who are before all things and in whom all things hold together… You speak life into the darkness of the womb; the cruel winter gives way to spring. You lay waste mountains. Open rives on bare heights. Your people bow in wonder… Father. Son. Spirit: Living Word- above me. Below me. Around me. Within me. Strengthen my heart today. Lead me in the path of peace.’ (Sheltering Mercy, by Ryan Whitaker Smith and Dan Wilt: Psalm 29).
May this prayer be true for you in 2024.
Grace and peace,
Paul & Kathy
805 861-4434